Francis Ogletree

Born in Cork, Ireland, 1826, the son of Michael and Annabella Scott Ogletree, came to Canada at five years of age. The father brought the family out to Grenville County, Upper Canada. He was educated in Brockville. Subsequently Mr. Ogletree moved up into the Chatham district, taking a prominent interest in public affairs, and was Reeve of Howard township for three years. Francis’s father was a member of the Irish Constabulary and in his early life Francis was attached to the military forces in Canada.
Francis married Jeanette McLarty and in 1869, they and their seven children moved to Manitoba. They had three girls; Annabelle (Mrs. Dan Sissons), Mary Ann, Isabelle (Mrs. John Moss) and four boys; Henry (farmed the family farm), Charlie, Francis and Archie(worked as an Indian Agent for many years). He bought land near Portage la Prairie where he farmed for fourteen years. Francis had total of twelve children His first wife died in 1890 and he married her sister Mary.
Francis and his family had been prominent in public affairs in Portage la Prairie and Manitoba since the very early days. Hon. Francis Ogletree was a member of the first Legislative Council, appointed in 1871 and served until it was abolished February 4, 1876. He assumed the duties of Drill Instructor in the troublesome times incident to the Riel Uprising. For many years he was Police Magistrate for Portage la Prairie. Also, after twenty-nine years he was discharged of his duties of Indian Agent for the district. His term of office in the position of Indian Agent included the period of the Riel Rebellion, 1885, and owing to his kindly, diplomatic care, he experienced no trouble with eight Indian tribes under his jurisdiction. Altogether a dominating personality, member of the Orange Lodge and identified with the Anglican Church, exercising at all times a profound interest for good in the community, and by his quiet example and uprightness of character establishing for himself a very reputation among a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Francis passed away December 22, 1916 The photo is Mary Ogletree, and to the right the newly married Ogletrees in front of their home.
